Google Cloud Storage

Google Cloud Storage

You may use the GCS Driver to manage files using Google Cloud Storage. Make sure to install the following peer dependency in your project.

npm i @google-cloud/storage

Once done, you can create an instance of the GCS Driver and use it as follows.

import { Disk } from 'flydrive'
import { GCSDriver } from 'flydrive/drivers/gcs'
const disk = new Disk(
new GCSDriver({
credentials: 'GCS_KEY',
visibility: 'public',
bucket: 'GCS_BUCKET',
usingUniformAcl: true,

You can pass all the options accepted by the @google-cloud/storage package to the GCSDriver along with the following/required options.


The bucket option defines the GCS bucket to use for managing files.


The visibility option specifies the object's predefinedAcl when it is written to the GCS bucket.

  • The public visibility sets the predefinedAcl to publicRead.
  • The private visibility sets the predefinedAcl to private.


Specify if the Bucket is using uniform ACL. When enabled, you cannot change the visibility of a single file, and it will be inherited from the Bucket.


Define a custom URL builder for creating public and signed URLs. Learn more

Using an existing Storage client

If you already have an instance of the Storage class from the @google-cloud/storage package. You may pass it directly to the Flydrive GCSDriver as follows.

import { GCSDriver } from 'flydrive/drivers/gcs'
import { Storage } from '@google-cloud/storage'
const storage = new Storage({
projectId: 'your-project-id',
keyFilename: '/path/to/keyfile.json',
const driver = new GCSDriver({
storage: storage,
bucket: 'GCS_BUCKET',
visibility: 'private',

Creating public URLs

Public URLs can be created for files uploaded to GCS with public visibility. By default, GCS will automatically cache public objects and serve them via its CDN and hence you do not have to configure any CDN URL with Drive.

const disk = new Disk(
new GCSDriver({
credentials: 'GCS_KEY',
visibility: 'public',
bucket: 'GCS_BUCKET',
usingUniformAcl: true,
const URL = await disk.getUrl('avatar.png')
console.log(URL) //

You may also self create a public URL by defining a custom URL builder within the config. For example:

Self generating public URLs
const disk = new Disk(
new GCSDriver({
credentials: 'GCS_KEY',
visibility: 'public',
bucket: 'GCS_BUCKET',
usingUniformAcl: true,
urlBuilder: {
async generateURL(key, bucket, storage) {
return `https://some-custom-url/files/${bucket}/${key}`
const URL = await disk.getUrl('avatar.png')
console.log(URL) // https://some-custom-url/files/testing-drive/avatar.png

Creating signed URLs

Signed URLs are created to provide time-based access to a private file hosted on GCS. For example:

const disk = new Disk(new GCSDriver({}))
const signedURL = await disk.getSignedUrl('invoice.pdf', {
expiresIn: '30mins',

At the time of generating the signed URL, you can pass one of the following options along with the options accepted by getSignedUrl method.

await disk.getSignedUrl('invoice.pdf', {
expiresIn: '30mins',
contentType: 'application/pdf',
contentDisposition: 'attachment',
* Additional options applicable for GCS only
cname: '',