Creating a driver

Creating a custom driver

Creating a custom FlyDriver driver is as simple as creating a new JavaScript class that implements the DriverContract interface. Your custom implementation can live anywhere, be it your application's source code or an NPM package.

import { Readable } from 'node:stream'
import { DriveFile, DriveDirectory } from 'flydrive'
import type {
} from 'flydrive/types'
export class AzureDriver implements DriverContract {
* Return a boolean value indicating if the file exists
* or not.
async exists(key: string): Promise<boolean> {}
* Return the file contents as a UTF-8 string. Throw an exception
* if the file is missing.
async get(key: string): Promise<string> {}
* Return the file contents as a Readable stream. Throw an exception
* if the file is missing.
async getStream(key: string): Promise<Readable> {}
* Return the file contents as a Uint8Array. Throw an exception
* if the file is missing.
async getBytes(key: string): Promise<Uint8Array> {}
* Return metadata of the file. Throw an exception
* if the file is missing.
async getMetaData(key: string): Promise<ObjectMetaData> {}
* Return visibility of the file. Infer visibility from the initial
* config, when the driver does not support the concept of visibility.
async getVisibility(key: string): Promise<ObjectVisibility> {}
* Return the public URL of the file. Throw an exception when the driver
* does not support generating URLs.
async getUrl(key: string): Promise<string> {}
* Return the signed URL to serve a private file. Throw exception
* when the driver does not support generating URLs.
async getSignedUrl(key: string, options?: SignedURLOptions): Promise<string> {}
* Update the visibility of the file. Result in a NOOP
* when the driver does not support the concept of
* visibility.
async setVisibility(key: string, visibility: ObjectVisibility): Promise<void> {}
* Create a new file or update an existing file. The contents
* will be a UTF-8 string or "Uint8Array".
async put(key: string, contents: string | Uint8Array, options?: WriteOptions): Promise<void> {}
* Create a new file or update an existing file. The contents
* will be a Readable stream.
async putStream(key: string, contents: Readable, options?: WriteOptions): Promise<void> {}
* Copy the existing file to the destination. Make sure the new file
* has the same visibility as the existing file. It might require
* manually fetching the visibility of the "source" file.
async copy(source: string, destination: string, options?: WriteOptions): Promise<void> {}
* Move the existing file to the destination. Make sure the new file
* has the same visibility as the existing file. It might require
* manually fetching the visibility of the "source" file.
async move(source: string, destination: string, options?: WriteOptions): Promise<void> {}
* Delete an existing file. Do not throw an error if the
* file is already missing
async delete(key: string): Promise<void> {}
* Delete all files inside a folder. Do not throw an error
* if the folder does not exist or is empty.
async deleteAll(prefix: string): Promise<void> {}
* List all files from a given folder or the root of the storage.
* Do not throw an error if the request folder does not exist.
async listAll(
prefix: string,
options?: {
recursive?: boolean
paginationToken?: string
): Promise<{
paginationToken?: string
objects: Iterable<DriveFile | DriveDirectory>
}> {}

Listing files

When listing files, you must use a paginationToken to fetch files in small chunks. If your driver implementation does not support pagination, you must return an undefined value for the paginationToken property.

The objects property is an Iterator that lazily constructs DriveFile and DriveDirectory instances. Make sure to consult existing drivers implementation to understand how this iterator is created.

Do not normalize keys

The Driver implementation should not normalize keys as they receive already normalized keys from the Disk class.

Do not wrap exceptions

The Driver implementation should not use unified exceptions as the exceptions thrown by a driver are wrapped inside unified exceptions by the Disk class.